Posted by ApocalypseNow ApocalypseNow6 years ago

Position Heroes currency?

so last year you needed actual cards silver through elite to make sets. Binder is chock full of DTs and FBs. If thispromo creates another currency or a re-roll system it will be garbage. These cards should start around 1M coins but if they do position heroes the way they have been it’s not even gonna have an effect on the market.


so last year you needed actual cards silver through elite to make sets. Binder is chock full of DTs and FBs. If thispromo creates another currency or a re-roll system it will be garbage. These cards should start around 1M coins but if they do position heroes the way they have been it’s not even gonna have an effect on the market.


Quote from ApocalypseNow >> Strategic thinking last year was, drain every gold and silver possible for PH then they had those token masters. Brilliant way of making money imo, but these currencies are not giving us a chance to really use the scraps in our binders

 This year I think the strategy is simply binder filler for tokens only, as sets all year have required them.  In addition training as well, and also cheap theme team backups.  

That said Diamonds took all the binder type cards.  There is a real chance they could roll Diamonds part two or something like that like traditional PH.  Tough to say . Want to unload a lot of. Under filler but keep holding expecting something


I think they will roll with scouts the rest of the way, to set up a new currency for next game.


Quote from Linte_Loco >> Scouts is the “off season” currency according to EA. Take it as you will

Great point. I like the scouts and different currencies. I’ve been able to get Julio, McCaffrey, and Mack this week for half of the price.


I'm 100% convinced we'll have scouts through at least the draft. Not the worst thing in the world, in my opinion. I like the idea of being able to reroll a free NAT from any promo.


Strategic thinking last year was, drain every gold and silver possible for PH then they had those token masters. Brilliant way of making money imo, but these currencies are not giving us a chance to really use the scraps in our binders


I think the days of going through the binder and finding a 200k low gold are long gone.


Scouts from here on out


Scouts is the “off season” currency according to EA. Take it as you will


Hard to say. scouts is a off-season currency, meaning if they add a currency for PH, Easter,  Draft or any other promo, there will be way too many currencies running at 1 time.

Now it is EA and I would be surprised 0%, but with sales hitting rock bottom of the game, then one would think they are purposely trying to drive the game into the ground.... or they are just morons without a clue which is more likely.