Posted by alleneburch alleneburch6 years ago

Paying it forward and good karma...

Yesterday a clanmate of mine was saying how it’s not his day and how he wasted over 400K in rerolls and says he can’t come up with anymore coins to do more rerolls to get his player. I contact him saying put up a card and he says why and I say you’ll see. I buy him a 92 team builder player so he can do a few more rerolls.  I tell him to think positive and BOOM! He pulls his player; 97 DT B Williams. I go on to do the daily and I’ve been stuck on 7,500 for months and I pull a 100K qs and show him and he says “deserving” 

My main point is to just have fun and help out when you can in everything you do because karma does go around. Good things happen to good people.

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