
Raid Boss Objectives 20 Wins - Didn't program it correctly

So I wanted the Tebow for the Wildcat and thought 20 wins isn't so bad. TJ said they heard the people and adjusted it to 20 wins this time. Well they changed the label to say "Win 20 Deck the Halls House Rules Games" but the counter is still 20/30, EA strikes again.

Oh no fr

I was gonna finish those up before the deadline but now yikes


Yeah the first HR was 30 games, then they reduced it to 20 cause “the community” didn’t even come close to wanting to chew off that many wins to “defeat the raid boss”. EA needs to step these cards up like start at 92, and work up to the 94 BND.


Thank you for confirming! I got 20 wins, no Tebow and then did an extra one just in case. Didn't realize that it says 30. Hopefully EA will say something about granting Tebow to anyone who did 20. Not wanting to do 30 wins if I don't have to.


Lol. They’re a train wreck in Orlando


It’s really unreal lol