
10 million coins to the first person that can prove dda is NOT in online madden games

DDA... Competitive Balancing Algorithm... EQUALIZER code... whatever you want to call it... "it's in the game".

There are always a few guys here in these forums who are DDA-deniers or guys that say... "but there's no proof". I don't need to prove something that is so obvious. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck... it's probably a duck.

After seven years of playing MUT... here's what I think about any DDA-denier... they fall into one of these categories:

a) they're trolling
b) they have some sort of vested interest in defending EA
c) they feel like their skill at the game is actually better than it is, so they don't want some random coding in the game to be the thing responsible for whatever success they might have
d) they just haven't played enough H2H to actually notice

I'm the first to admit that I get assisted by DDA probably as much as it works against me... so I generally don't complain about it. There's way worse things that EA does that aggravates me. Forget the myriad isses we have had and continue to have with M23. Nerfing cards to get people to "upgrade" to the latest releases is really fucking shady.

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