Is this even a possibility? I guess it is our fault for still playing this game and putting money into it, but is absolutely unplayable right now. What will it take for EA to care? Least they could do is acknowledge this crap show.
Is there an experiation on the rights with NFL?
The only problem is that this whole situation would be a convoluted mess.
The only legal issues I could see EA ever being worried about would be:
Quote from blaze556 >> Quote from pwuj >> You want class action? Stop buying packs with money. It has been and still is the only way to force ea to make any changes. Till then, keep barking and bend over.
I haven’t spent a dime on this game since before Christmas. Feelsgoodman
So, You DONT have a case.
Quote from pwuj >> You want class action? Stop buying packs with money. It has been and still is the only way to force ea to make any changes. Till then, keep barking and bend over.
I haven’t spent a dime on this game since before Christmas. Feelsgoodman
No but I filed a chargeback for all the money I spent on packs. Let EA choke on that.
Quote from JimDaddy >> Quote from NinerNation >> Quote from JimDaddy >>
Quote from Blue7Gaming >> Are we this stupid in this community? On what grounds would you consider legal action? YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY THIS GAME. There is no fraud here. The game is what it is. Stop it already.
How about 99 defensive cards that get beat by 76 speed receivers? Hmm? Is that not false advertisement? If my 99’s are getting beat in H2H, against a 92 team, is this not the epitome of false advertising? Not performing as card specifies? Really? Ea is too big, we are too small...But they are guilty of this nerfing because I’ve played numerous games where I’m way better than my opponent, yet it is a grind to win? Reality is my case, I’m living the reality of this bs. And what does “The game is what it is” even mean? I’m not a liar, ea is the liar 🤥
It would be great if there was someway to make EA more responsive but im not sure there are grounds for a lawsuit
Are we this stupid in this community? On what grounds would you consider legal action? YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAY THIS GAME. There is no fraud here. The game is what it is. Stop it already.
I buy this shit every august, i dont spend anything besides the initial purchase. My team always better then everybody elses. Companies like this do prey on guys with money, but YALL would have to make that change.
Quote from NinerNation >> Quote from chrisstyles1987 >> Quote from NinerNation >>
I know this is a joke but honestly the bad PR EA would get could help with some change going forward.
If Millions of customers can come together and make this happen their stock would take a hit, they have to do a ton of damage control.
This could work on non legal grounds.
Quote from chrisstyles1987 >> Preciate the convo
Same to u. And I can Definitly see how it could be an addiction.
Quote from chrisstyles1987 >> Quote from NinerNation >> Quote from JimDaddy >>
Quote from NinerNation >> Quote from JimDaddy >> Quote from NinerNation >>
Quote from chrisstyles1987 >>
Everybody deserve something that makes them happy. I cant help but think of all the dudes that aint got money for their kids cuz they splurged on a pack though
No doubt.but that’s on them. People gotta prioritize things.
Is this even a possibility? I guess it is our fault for still playing this game and putting money into it, but is absolutely unplayable right now. What will it take for EA to care? Least they could do is acknowledge this crap show.
Is there an experiation on the rights with NFL?