
Dudes really put Peyton manning in a broncos jersey

That's foul lol


Well now I feel stupid lol


So do I for wanting a Shannon sharpe!

1 point

Don't hate he broke records with the broncos and won a chip and he's around the broncos organization more than he's around Indianapolis


The average age of the developers working at EA is like 24 years old. There are probably only two of them that actaully watched Peyton play live and that was probably in his retirement year. So they all think Denver was the only place he played. Of course then someone had to explian to them that Elway and Manning are not the same player.


I think this will be the annual current players as legends and the Bronco is Von Miller. I didn’t watch the stream so if they said these are legit retired player legends then disregard my guess.


That's my favorite player of all time. If Peyton is truly one of the Saturday Legends, I will do anything to get that card on my team


Just do the solos and get him for free. Unless he’s a Ltd lol then he might be a mil if there’s no Tvp


I will be so sad if there's no TVP and he's the LTD. Currently grinding the solos lmao. Worst case I take B Dawk


Where is this? A new reveal or something?

1 point

Over 50 TDs one season, two SB appearances with one win. Why not?

8 points

All colts grow up to be broncos


Is nick breathing?


Been depressed since my bills got eliminated.

Im ok with losing but these guys just didn't give any effort.

Blocked them on all social and thinking about switching theme teams lol


😂 😂

2013 season he was a beast for the Broncos.

1 point

No one should act surprised if this is how Russ gonna be exactly 10 years later. 👀

A lot of people thought Peyton was washed remember???



I am a peyton guy … but in some ways i guess you could say he at least was nothing like the dude tearing it up in the dome

1 point

Dude was a monster that year.


Should be Eli. Guess we'll wait for his SB card.


🥰 I could see it if it’s for his 2013 season

Edited by THEBTOWN23