
Interesting day on Twitch. I got banned twice by two well known streamers.

For those that know me, I've been on here for years and have never had any issues. Back when rep mattered and MHC was a thing/currency, I had immaculate rep within the community. I used to run giveaways on streams and everything. Bottom line is, I have never trolled. Nor would I. I have always thought it to be symptomatic of this generation's incessant, sad need for attention, and that just isn't me, nor do I understand the appeal of it. I am a person that operates in authenticity and sincerity.

So, all that being said, I figured I would watch some streams today while on the game because of the drops being enabled. I saw Skimbo was on, so I hopped in his stream and I initially asked him about what he thought Dez was running coverage wise behind his DB blitz. He didn't answer. So, just to strike up some sort of conversation, and out of curiosity, I asked him what he felt the difference in his level of play was now and the guys that are consistently making the MCS events now versus what used to get him in the MCS. I even added "no shade intended" and told him I was genuinely asking and meant no disrespect. I was genuinely looking for insight because I have really wondered why guys like Skimbo and Dubby go from Champs to not even making the tourneys. I guess I was kind of hoping for some insight to the game and what they felt changed about it. He seemed offended and said stuff like "why are you coming at me?" but then he answered in a roundabout way. So to piggyback off that, I thanked him for his answer, and again stated I meant no disrespect, but I was curious if he thought it was something to do with the game itself because I had saw an article some time back saying that he stated something about patches and such were designed to punish former champs. He sees my second question and immediately tells his mods to ban me and I apologized and again said I meant no disrespect, and he smugly smirked and was like, "yeah, I know... I got it... you're gone."

So I left.

I joined gmia's stream. I've never really liked gmia and have barely ever watched any of his content, but I know He is established, for better or for worse, within the community. So I joined his chat. I shared what happened in Skimbo's chat, basically just looking for some context as to why Skimbo would ban me for asking what I thought was a benign, genuine question to ask. He reads my question aloud and then immediately tells his mods to time me out and then goes on a 5+ minute rage bitchfest calling me an idiot, a clown, I believe he even called me a bitch, said "we don't f*** with you," and all other insane, emotional garbage. He then kept asking me questions even though I couldn't respond because I was banned, and continued to call me names and insult me, with the whole crux of his issue apparently being that if I did something to offend another streamer, then I need to learn that they don't have to put up with me "being an idiot." And here I am, still wondering wtf I did that was so offensive in either stream? At the end of the day, Idgaf about either of these dudes. I simply joined for the drops and figured I could enjoy some convo while I was there, and yet, apparently both were more emotional than a woman on her time of the month. Awfully sensitive to be faces of a community that is based on "macho" competition. Oh and all that happened with gmia while he was getting his ass handed to him live on stream and he cried the whole time blaming it on the game being broken.😂 Right on brand.

Anyway, anyone have any idea why those two exchanges are off limits? And aside from that, I would encourage all not to support these talentless, sensitive, needledick crybabies. I have never been banned from any stream or had any problems within the community at all, so I was just taken aback.

The end.

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