The TVP has historically returned ~30k per pack in volume. At a cost of 12k training per, buying training at a rate of > 2.5 is unsustainable. The current rate of training (2.6-2.7) is simply to high to sustain rolling TVPs in volume. At a training rate of 2.9, each pack cost you 34.8k coins. Your expected loss was 4.8k per pack, or ~500k total. So yes, you did get a little unlucky, but you’re buying training way, way too high to come close to breaking even, let alone make a profit.
Edited by DOT_CALM
dropmas pack today ...
If you are buying at 2.9 that is probably below exepected return so not really aa surprise and over time any pack ripping so called ‚,method‘ will just deplete you … most I read around here regarding tvp tends to be addictive gambling to be honest, also there is typically post bias around this, where people are nore inclined to post their big (but rare pulls) than the small attrition that tends to creep over time
Stop with tvs. My coins have been going up ever since I stopped doing them.
Every time Tvp comes back it gets worst and the training value increases as well. They are getting exponentially worst. I have never lost on tvps but this last one for 12k I pulled like a mil in training and just about broke even. Not worth it anymore to me
The previous version was pretty good
Yes that’s what I’m saying and the one before that was even better. Each one seems to have lower odds with a higher price.
I disagree with that. Last one was one of the best values, but the market hasn't adjusted enough to warrant 12K for this one. Certainly not exponentially either.
If the odds are getting worse and the cost per pack is more they are exponentially getting worse.
I love these "I went to the casino and lost" posts
I had success with it once I stopped buying cards for training. If you're getting training for the bare minimum you'll see better results. That's all I'm going to say on that
That’s rough. Keep ya head up. There’s ups and downs to TVP. Better luck next time.
In my experience both good and bad luck will be lumped together in spurts. Hopefully you got all the bad luck outta the way so you can pull some honors cards
Rolled 1,260,000 training on tvp packs. Bought 92s - 94s to qs for an average of 2.9 and am down about 900k coins now. Didn’t pull any ltds, no 88 platinums and only 1 legendary strat.