
Ultimate Legend Position Chemistries

I know we are likely still a month or two away until people are able to populate their teams enough to make these chems useful but it seems like they are absolutely ridiculous. Not even quite sure what the point of golden tickets will be (other than potentially starting games with x-factors like aka) but you put those boosts on 97/98s you’re looking at UL golden tickets running around.


They don’t seem useful until 24 comes out. Unless I’m reading wrong. for RB you need all 5 hb and fb stocked with boss legends. Hope I’m reading wrong and any Ul will do but pretty sure I’m not


Yeah looks like this and for oline I think it is 8 …. Not sure if set cards get the UL chem also which would make it easier at least for back-ups


I will rock the UL O line chem once I am able. Outside of that, I doubt I will use any of the other ones in game.