On old gen... there are two things going on...
a) the hard coded somewhat rare slow kick animation that allows kicks to be blocked.
b) the exploit that allows you to control the 2nd player on the same side as the kicker... and block every kick if you time it right. Here you just hold RT... spam A... and hold the left stick down and loop around then dive.
"a" is not the big problem because it's infrequent (although it doesn't really take skill). The real problem is "b"... because it's an exploit.
As I've said many times before... EA isn't going to fix anything on old gen. And by switching to a left-footed kicker (Scottish Hammer) you will stop 95% of cheesers trying to block your kicks with "b". Just don't try kicking from beyond the 35 yard line with him because it will come up short.
It’s just like the onside kick. It’s coded to happen at a 2-3% rate. There’s no user skill involved, you either get the jump or you don’t… on the onside kick the receiving team either is coded to recover it or boot it.
This continues to fascinate me because the slow kick animation happens randomly on next gen as well, just not nearly as much. I remember the days when you had to time everything to perfection to get a blocked kick 😭
Yea remember how they said you can’t get a perfect perfect kick blocked. BS lied about that
💯- buy next gen console- buy next gen console - upgrade your team- use your credit card- join my cabal- every year EA tries to social engineer it’s customer base- I’m glad to be off the treadmill 🤠
Not really next gen. It's been out for 3 years. They need to stop releasing Madden on consoles released 10 years ago.
I have series x, I just prefer old gen gameplay. I'll make the change when they force us all to
Then stop complaining about old gameplay when there's other options
Its an old glitch that they never bothered to patch. That slow kick animation has been in the game for years. It usually triggers when the guy on defense hits RT button at a certain time. Thus allowing for a legit blocked FG. Sometimes the slow kick triggers with no user input from the defense. The glitch allows the defender to jump off the LOS at 99 speed. Your FG will still be blocked even if there is no slow kick ani.
it's the only explanation when you get that mega slow kicking animation vs the normal speed one.