I LOVE MADDEN.Let's get that out of the way.I have been super forgiving with cheese and the various glitches over the years.This is the worst MUT and Madden I've ever played. This fall forward patch is beyond stupid. NMS is an absolute time suck for players that all play about the same.H2H is an unbearable cheese fest.Solo Battles are a disaster. Chems don't work, probably not supposed to.The game play is flat out garbage.I can't continue to support this not even mediocre product with my money anymore. I'm hoping that sales fall enough next year for EA to wake up and blow up the game and start from scratch.
I LOVE MADDEN.Let's get that out of the way.I have been super forgiving with cheese and the various glitches over the years.This is the worst MUT and Madden I've ever played. This fall forward patch is beyond stupid. NMS is an absolute time suck for players that all play about the same.H2H is an unbearable cheese fest.Solo Battles are a disaster. Chems don't work, probably not supposed to.The game play is flat out garbage.I can't continue to support this not even mediocre product with my money anymore. I'm hoping that sales fall enough next year for EA to wake up and blow up the game and start from scratch.