Idk maybe because he never did anything on the Jets? But yea EA definitely needs to add it
He played in 40 games!
Yea but he never really made much of an impact until he came to Carolina
Crazy… bet it takes EA weeks to fix it, if they even do
That's crazy.. I didn't get him because I grabbed maniac from aka but he was def on jets for multiple seasons
I know, but they give all these other cards EVERY damn team chem in the game...which i HATE! lol. But I can't get actual teams they played for...super annoying.
Oh me too.. try not to use many players that didn't actually play for jets. But Frankie did.. figured roll with maniac since don't see us getting a better lolb
This is some BS!!! Luvu was with the Jets for 3 F'N YEARS!!! I just did the set for this and no Jets chem...unreal!