I quicksold Smith when I got Gilliam and then sadly realized I needed to buy another 91 lol
In addition I just played a HR game and had 3 Ints and 4 sacks without getting a single point for any of them
Edited by forbesfield77
I had the same issue I ended up getting Dobbs and putting him as my backup QB as he is “mission MUT” while the others are not from the same program. Pretty sad
Edited by forbesfield77
Did that work? I’m also wondering why it counted the rushing yards I got while doing the Mission MUT solos, but does not count any yards for other solos.
Yes it worked and when you were playing the mission MUT solos you had some of the players on your roster instead of your own players. I used Dobbs because I have a Steelers squad
They literally cannot put out ANY content without glitches. Really the only good part about this promo is XP from the Mission Pass. Maybe NTL, but not really excited because I have UL chems for my DBs, but I digress, I played through several of the new solos with the free Jimmy Smith in my lineup and it tracked me to 468 rushing yards with a mission MUT player in my lineup - great, no glitches so far. I’ve gone back in with not only Smith, but Gilliam and Heineke in my lineup - rushed for another 1100 yards to finish the objectives - guess what? None of these tracked and I haven’t even finished the first objective. Is this company for real? Nowhere on this planet except EA headquarters, would the level of incompetence that we’ve seen this year result in anything except TERMINATION for the development/programming team. Anyone else having this issue? It’s almost pointless to even log onto this game because you never know if ANY aspect of the game will work as presented, or if you are just wasting your time.