Spend money on a vpn only way I know of. They have been getting bad lately
Happens to me pretty often. Frustrating as hell.
When they dashboard, doesn't it just end the game and give you a win?
Lol no dude, THEY get the win!
I've actually never heard of/seen that before
I think it happens, but I don't think it happens enough to think its a glitch. I think it's usually EA servers.
Trust me, it IS a real thing, it used to be a big problem years ago and I even spoke to someone at EA who confirmed that it happens, they said that if they find an account that does it regularly that they ban them. There have also been streamers do it live on stream, showing people how to do it.
My last 3 seasons have been ended with these POS "players"...I am so sick of this garbage...anybody know if this is avoidable or are we stuck just playing in vein and hoping each playoff run doesn't end with a scumbag??