Total Boost you can get from maxing out your Theme Team Remix chems - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
I finished my House Rules on Thursday to get Lester Hayes and then spent all day Friday deciding on... and then making the switch to a 50/50 Packers Theme Team. The total boost you can achieve is remarkable. I never thought I would abandon my Legends team... but EA has done a great job making actual TTs even better (not just competitive with... but actually better than Legends). The difference on the field is noticeable in my opinion.
Once Part 3 is released this coming week, see below for the overall boosts you will get ON EVERY PLAYER with that team chem, once you have unlocked Tier 3 of Pass Pro, Tier 3 of Power Run, and Tier 3 of Balanced. I chose Packers because I already had a bunch of their best cards (Aaron Rodgers, Reggie White, Charles Woodson, Nitschke, etc.). If you pick a team with a bunch of 2x team chems it leaves you room to keep a bunch of other cards who have better abilities. I was able to add 13 other players!
I finished my House Rules on Thursday to get Lester Hayes and then spent all day Friday deciding on... and then making the switch to a 50/50 Packers Theme Team. The total boost you can achieve is remarkable. I never thought I would abandon my Legends team... but EA has done a great job making actual TTs even better (not just competitive with... but actually better than Legends). The difference on the field is noticeable in my opinion.
Once Part 3 is released this coming week, see below for the overall boosts you will get ON EVERY PLAYER with that team chem, once you have unlocked Tier 3 of Pass Pro, Tier 3 of Power Run, and Tier 3 of Balanced. I chose Packers because I already had a bunch of their best cards (Aaron Rodgers, Reggie White, Charles Woodson, Nitschke, etc.). If you pick a team with a bunch of 2x team chems it leaves you room to keep a bunch of other cards who have better abilities. I was able to add 13 other players!
PRC +8
DRR +6
JKM +6
PBF +6
RBF +6
RBP +6
SPM +6
AGI +5
AWR +5
BSH +5
CAR +5
IBL +5
PBK +5
PBP +5
POW +5
SRR +5
STR +5
ACC +4
BSK +4
COD +4
DAC +4
FMV +4
JMP +4
LBK +4
MRR +4
PAC +4
PMV +4
PUR +4
RBK +4
RUN +4
SFA +4
TAK +4
THP +4
TRK +4
BCV +3
BPR +3
BTK +3
CIT +3
MAC +3
SPD +3
SAC +2
SPC +2
STA +2
TUP +2
CTH +1
KAC +1
KPW +1
PRS +1