
Guess what tight spammers lol


Great to see 👍 but it just proves my points what I’ve been saying along since September about this formation 🤷‍♂️ and EA ignoring it for thee entire series to me is terrible.

It’s an exploit formation which then makes them look bad as developers so why leave it in 🤷‍♂️ so I’m glad they acknowledged that by removing it but my goodness they couldn’t have done this during the entirety of 23 🤷‍♂️.


I honestly don't mind facing it, I just wish my linemen would play the flats better


Lol this is crazy man. I just watched Gutfoxx talk about how bad zone is in the beta and how safeties are dumb asf. How do they manage to make shxt worse than what it already is?


I thought gutfoxx quit. Or did the dude take a 2 week vacation and make a "quitting madden" debacle to gain attention like every other youtuber. How can you take anyone serious that does that. I don't mind gutfoxx that much and he has insights (that any good player has) but he has been known not to talk about game changing glitches and major things. Obvious he get clearance on what he can say bad about EA. Which means he shouldn't be trusted.

I will put money on by the launch he has a video out saying something like... beta zones are terrible, db's have no awareness but but EA is working on it and I have already seen positive results. Dude is an EA clown (and I have no grudge against him and don't even find him annoying).


he quit mut 23. and he is constantly talking shit about ea...


You gotta be f'ing kidding me. I faced tight so much I pretty much mastered how to stop it 90% of the time, now they wanna remove it....smfh

Edited by thecarbonsun


So are they going to remove Goaline on first and 10 also? Tight is so popular because its the only way casuals can pass the ball vs good players.


So lazy lol


So...I should use the rest of this year to practice with Denver's PB?


What this means is that the zone (and you could say man coverage) for the meta routes out of these formations won't be fixed for m24. I don't want to get over technical but there are I would say 4 broken routes and they were certainly broken in m23 too. It isn't that the formation itself can't be programmed it is that the formation itself is the best way to use those routes - and trying to combat those routes left you very open somewhere else.

Those routes are certainly in other formations but those formations may not have enough spacing for the routes to finish as well as they do out of tight or the routes may take extra time to finish (which isn't meta) or the combos will only be on the strong side.

So what that tweet means is EA giving the middle finger to the community and outright admitting that they have no interest in balancing and programming their game, they will just take away the obvious meta.

This is even more funny because EA is doing this to get people to play but won't stop FG block glitch, ghost pump fake glitch, freeze glitch, and all the DC glitches. They care so much about the community that they told some intern in India to delete formations out of playbooks. They care so much that they spent $50 on time writing an email and then $100 on 1 hour of vendor time and the players getting spammed all this year are supposed to be like "thank god".

News flash... If they never fixed the zone play on the routes tight will just be replaced by the second best option and spammed.


💯 … I was gonna say the same thing. Instead of fixing the underlying issue with AI coverage logic, their answer is delete plays out of playbooks. This won’t prevent YouTube “labbers” from finding the audible exploits and do the exact same thing. It’s a lazy band-aid.


The fact that the deep 3rd doesn't cover a deep out on that side when there is no streak is one of many broken parts of zone. Imagine watching a game and seeing a WR run a 20 yard flag against a CB in cover 3. It is literally maybe the worst outside route on the route tree vs c3. The WR has to slow - cut and angle - and the QB has to throw the ball through the CBs path. CB will not just keep running back 10 yards past the WR - it is nonsense at the highest level. How was this not even a thing the first 10+ years I played competitive madden and it becomes a thing in 22 and worse in 23?

Do whatever fake tuning you need to do but that route should only work vs c2 well, vs c4 in weird matching principles, and basically never vs c3 unless c3 has a WR run a streak on same side or some insanely deep crosser that has already cleared the CB in that zone. vs man it should be a very iffy route. There are literally a handful of deep flags a year that are receptions vs man in the NFL. That is only one glitched route but that seems so simple to fix.


Since the engine hasn’t changed the code can only be improved so much like additional animations and sliders that’s about it 🤷‍♂️ but the game is always going to play this way . This is it plain n simple. The months from January till April are them working on the layouts of promos and pack opening animations with another adding animations and taking and adding plays away and infrastructure layouts of auction house. That’s basically it 🤷‍♂️


Ye ppl are saying both man and zone is terrible


... and this dude makes fun of Dreverse. This is one of the saddest posts I have seen ever on the site.