
Madden 23 might be thee worst for marketplace offers

Let’s start by season five. If you go over to the special offers, there’s not one offer that you can get with coins 🤦‍♂️ We all know how hard it is to pull something in the TVP’s even though there’s a ton of golden tickets and reduxes not to mention it’s the end of the year they could be a little bit more giving 🤷‍♂️yet they’re not especially at the price of the TVP training, which is insane and there’s still gray Strat cards in there with uniforms that people seem to get more then good cards 🤮

There was an offer for a pack costing 1.7 million coins. There’s just a ton of packs that don’t make any sense for what they’re asking you to put into knowing how terrible the chances of you getting a good card

fan appreciation was a joke I believe they were showing the appreciation by asking you for 135,000 coins for a pack🤣 (Some appreciation for those who were still sticking around, considering how much of a broken game it was all year.) I believe they were asking $25 for ☝️ 98 plus card few weeks ago 🤦‍♂️ I have never remember a year being this bad as far as pulls are .

I mean for this being a tribute madden game, this has been the worst game to their Fanbase as far as the market place goes. There have been some crazy bad outrageous packs in the marketplace this year. They have really really shown there colors this year

What was the worst marketplace deal that you remember from madden 23,🤷‍♂️

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