
Solo battles worthwhile?

Are solo battles worthwhile right now? Unless I’m missing something, seems like unless you’re gunning for Top 100 (which I’ll never do), it’s just a grind for season 1 objectives.

If they are worth doing, it it a situation where you play on rookie and jam stats? Or better to get a higher battle score?



without a comp field pass the only thing they are good for is grinding out stats/objectives on other field passes. what I like to do is watch something on youtube or play some online scrabble while I let the computer play defense and then if I get the ball back I just huck down field for a quick touchdown. get some stats on offense and it really helps knock out that pesky 6000 tackle objective.


Just for captains but no need to play on anything but easy mode


That makes a ton of sense. Blow them out, get the captain tokens, move on. Thanks!


Probably better off waiting till Friday when the competitive pass unlocks - not sure doing solo battles is worth it right now


Good call thanks!


My take on solos/SB’s is that they are never ever ever ever fun to complete for me. I’m sure others might pretend to disagree but they are probably lying. It makes it simple when you can see the reward list in the field pass; you have to just make a decision on if the punch is worth the squeeze.

I’d personally rather skip them entirely… however you might catch me grinding a few in these early weeks just to get a feel for the game. On easy mode of course 🙃


It sure beats getting crushed in H2H! Current gen is an entirely different game than I’m used to.

I don’t mind grinding, I was one of those guys that kicked 10,000.000 field goals a couple years ago to level up.

Just doesn’t seem there’s any reward whatsoever for doing SB right now….


I miss the days when all you had to do to get max rewards was kick field goals and watch Netflix and then just trade all the coins to the main. Simpler MUTtimes!