Posted by Travis2334 Travis23346 years ago

Can you pull legend PU's from the high silver to low gold set?

Just curious if its possible? I hardly ever do that set and haven't seen it yet, but I feel like you should be able to get them... likewise, the low gold to high golds, can they yield them as well?


Just curious if its possible? I hardly ever do that set and haven't seen it yet, but I feel like you should be able to get them... likewise, the low gold to high golds, can they yield them as well?


Thanks guys!


High gold to low elite can pull the 80 ovr PUs too now. Had me confused for a second when I saw the power up animation when opening one, 80 Calvin popped out.


yes you can, and you can pull regular power ups out of the low silver to high silver set and the higher legend power ups from the low gold to high gold set. You can also pull the 80 ovr power ups (Walter Payton, Calvin, Night Train) from the high golds to 80-81 elite set.

I actually spent like 1 mil opening packs putting low silvers into the high silver exchange and high golds into the 80-81 set looking for Vernon Davis and Walter Payton's power ups cause I like all my power ups to say "pack pulled" for OCD related reasons. Needless to say I pulled over a hundred power ups but no Vernons or Walters :(


Yes   Low silver to high silver, high silver to low gold and low gold to high gold can all pull power ups


You can get them out of the low gold set, I have pulled a couple also pulled low gold PU out of the buy a silver for 500 havn't done the high gold set so not sure, but you should be able to