
Solo Battles not showing up

All I see is top 100 players list when going to solo battles. Anyone else?


Y is every single game in solo battles a home game is ea really that lazy


EA has introduced a new "log in" gauntlet that many are unaware of.
1. Push any button - get transferred to the New Items screen where you get only a black background with little white floaties.

  1. Continue to push buttons in any combination to exit from the black screen.

  2. Reboot the game.

  3. Get a server unavailable message. Log in to EA servers again (and again and again...)

  4. Get an "Invalid lineup message". Switch lineups a few times or reboot the game.

  5. By some magical process get to the solo battle menu. Find that all of your progress has been eliminated.

  6. If you have spent less than 30 minutes attempting to play MUT GOTO step 3.

  7. Get to the opponents menu in solo battles. Find that you have no opponents.

  8. Exit to the main menu and find that you can only access the store.

  9. Call EA tech support. Wait on hold for 1 hour. Have the rep tell you he's never heard of any of these problems. Goto step 1.


Traditionally there is server maintenance on Thursday mornings.


No SB for me either today PS4


Same. One game short of 20 requirement.


I don't have them


i think I finished the 4th solo battle game yesterday..but forgot to update opponents to get a new list. I wonder if that's what caused the issue. I haven't updated in a few days.


Same issue when I tried to access today to get my daily of 4,672 pts scored in 24 hours- Series X


Same for me