
Best off/def play book??

Just need some help guys! appreciate it


Old gen or new gen? If old, PBs are the same as in M23.

It all depends on your style and preferences.

OFF: 49ers has a strong run approach, Jets is the best for passing, also those infamous meta bunch formations, and Run n Gun has those crazy RPO and Wildcat formations to mess around with.

DEF: 49ers is good for 3-4, Chiefs in 4-3, and Alternate 4-6 seems to be the most popular with BNOG and 4-4 formations.

I go with 49ers off and Chiefs def.


Jets offense/46 defense

I run bills offense and various 43 defensive playbooks.


Chiefs for both


I use Heavy Run on Offense and SF on them both a great deal.

It’s all personal preference. I like the Dolphins offense & the 46 defense.

Edited by AsukasBeaverLicker