
My Son was playing Super Smash Bros last night

He was playing for a couple hours. He was having a blast. He won several games in a row, and I asked him. "Are you going to win something cool now that you've won a bunch of games?"

He replied, "What do you mean? I already won the game, what else would I win?"

Then it clicked. He's not playing the game to level up a battle pass. He's not grinding towards any objectives or rewards. He actually just enjoys playing the game.

Can you say the same about yourself? I can't. Not with MUT, MyTeam or DD. Most of the time this just feels like a job. Not a good job either, a job that has been making a lot of cutbacks on compensation and bonus' which is having a serious impact on employee morale.

Why can't I be a kid again playing Super Mario World and the only reward needed was the game itself?

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