
Heard they added fatigue to corner blitzes...

In dollar. About damn time they did something to fatigue because it's unrealistic that dudes can blitz every single down and never face repercussions.


Fatigue is out of control, seems to only affect defense too btw. My subLBs and DEs are getting fatigued within 2-3 plays. If they want to add fatigue, why not add it to every position?


Sounds like player personnel finally matters? A power run formation should smash dollar and quarter every time even nickel with no linebackers should be smashed by power run formations. I'm stoke . Gota play real defense

So I just played a guy that came out running the dollar db fire and then he came out in it again on 2nd down…This time I hurried up and kept hurrying up - By the 3rd play my guys were EASILY putting those DB’s on their butts. If you face someone still running this just do what I did & they’ll stop.


I have played since last weekend but I saw that they finally made defensive personnel matter. I'm stoked to hop on tomorrow and see what it's like. I would so fun to use real football logic. Looks like EA is moving in the right direction from a gameplay standpoint


man, they REALLY stepped in it and walked around the carpet this time...


I was just about to post this. Bye bye dollar blitzes. We damn sure could've used this last year 🙄


Facts but they're getting around it by actually buying backups lol. Desperation