Posted by benite021 benite0211 year ago

State of madden ultimate team

What do you guys think the state of the Madden Ultimate team is in currently? I personally believe that the horrible Madden gameplay ruins the ultimate team experience and some cards are just simply unstoppable due to X-factors being on all games or broken abilities. It's like you have to have the certain players that everyone else has to compete. Or am I just ass?


The light up X factors have definitely changed the game. They definitely add a arcade style element to the game that can be fun sometimes but on the other hand when you play someone who’s got 3 dline men with all light up x factor’s and users then all game or someone with multiple light up x factor’s at rb and runs the whole it definitely gets annoying but it feels even better when you stick with it and able to stop them. Abilities in general I like, I think it adds more variety to the game to some degree but the light up X factors can be excessive sometimes. It would be cool if maybe they had a different mode to play, one with abilities and one without, but I doubt ea will do that. I find the spam plays are more annoying then the abilities and X factors as people often cheese one or two plays the whole game. But then again it’s part of game and there’s ways to counter everything. I’m not always able to lol but when your able to adjust and beat someone that either spams cheese plays the whole game or relies on their X factors it feels better then winning against someone who doesn’t in my opinion.

Right now, MUT couldn’t be worse than MyTeam if it tried.


I use to play my team and enjoyed. But it's been a few years. What's bad about it now?

Everything is a money grab, no more auction house, few locker codes, few free content, etc.


Ea only cares about their pockets like everybody else so they do what makes money and not what their community wants. Almost everything the community told them to get rid of is right back in the game.


The people want a real life simulation football video game. This is just one step away from being NFL Street/ NFL Blitz. The ABs and X-factors are just too over the top. Right now the only players online I struggle to beat are the ones that have knock outs all over the field, because it's damn near impossible to catch a pass near them. Fucking lame.


Get good


get good? how about you get good and stop using trash abilities and pre lit xfactors to bail you out for having low football is trash and only ppl who are ebook sheep with zero football iq like these trash Pokemon Dragonball z avengers superpower abilities/xfactors


There is a reason knockouts and SFL become available at the same time in the year. I do not (purposely) run meta nor have I ever looked up an ebook. I refuse to use gun bunch or trips offset TE whatever. And somehow I zero problem moving the ball

Abilities have ruined the game. If NCAA is actually good then I’ll never buy Madden again.


Same. Or a different NFL game. How hard is it to just make one good NFL simulation game?

Because EA has no competition they have gotten fat & lazy…I really hope the NFL takes away the exclusivity from them. Once there are competitors, Watch how fast Madden improves.


But why would the nfl take it away? They have trust that EA won’t tarnish the brand, they don’t give a shit about how competitive the game is or the industry is they just sit back and get paid If they would try to give it to somebody else, they would have to worry about the trust issue, they would damage their rep relationship with EA
and they wouldn’t be making as much money And all of a sudden would have to start doing extra footwork that they don’t have to now. So it’s a no-brainer EA is going to keep dominating and that’s that