I think we need to try reverse psychology. we all kept saying to get rid of abilities and they are like whats that? put 57 abilities and 18 baked on abilities on every card? you got it! so hey, ea, PLEASE PUT MORE ABILITIES ON EVERYONE WE BEG OF YOU ;)
Been like that for years...since they added abilities. A total joke. Especially since we were so close to a great simulation game around 5-6 years ago
I dabbled a little here and there still in M24 up until a few days ago. QS my team to get 2.4 million TP and did variety pack to end this year Best card was an 98. The variety pack was highway robbery all year, the odds were so terrible. I deleted M24. I am not preordering M25. EA has all the pieces in place to make a decent football video game, but due to their greed and all these horseshit abilities you can put on your players, this game is a joke. I'm done with it.
Edited by flwhitey18
Remember when they said this year would be different
They would slowly raise overalls, so we wouldn't get 99s until end of the year
They would downplay abilities, so you could only have a few on your team at a time