Posted by pauliev31 pauliev316 years ago

!!Blitz Clan Pay it Forward/House Cleaning Giveaway - PS4 Only!! Closed. Winners notified via PM

Last night my clan mate, lacedup18, gifted me with a card he had won in an auction so in honor of that gift I figured I'd pay it forward with a little giveaway of my own.  So I'm cleaning house and decided the best I can give away at the moment are the 3 Jabbal Sheard set pieces I have.  They are:

68 OVR Jabbal Sheard Power Up Card 88 OVR Jabbal Sheard Team Diamond 92 OVR Jabbal Sheard Heavyweight

So - the only requirements to enter this giveaway is to have a PS4 and have more than 5 posts.

Now here's the scoop and I'm gonna tell ya.  I have also decided to clean house on my practice squad accounts because it was just too much chorin' - To paraphrase:

"It's a hard life pickin' stones and pullin' teats but sure as God's got sandals it beats playing Solo Battles on three accounts".

To win you must first be able to identify the TV show (PM that answer to me please and thank you) I've so obviously plagiarized and provide me a favorite quote of your own from said TV show.  I will then choose a winner who will receive the Sheard pieces and 2 runners up to receive a random item of my choosing based solely on those quotes that amused me the most.


Last night my clan mate, lacedup18, gifted me with a card he had won in an auction so in honor of that gift I figured I'd pay it forward with a little giveaway of my own.  So I'm cleaning house and decided the best I can give away at the moment are the 3 Jabbal Sheard set pieces I have.  They are:

68 OVR Jabbal Sheard Power Up Card 88 OVR Jabbal Sheard Team Diamond 92 OVR Jabbal Sheard Heavyweight

So - the only requirements to enter this giveaway is to have a PS4 and have more than 5 posts.

Now here's the scoop and I'm gonna tell ya.  I have also decided to clean house on my practice squad accounts because it was just too much chorin' - To paraphrase:

"It's a hard life pickin' stones and pullin' teats but sure as God's got sandals it beats playing Solo Battles on three accounts".

To win you must first be able to identify the TV show (PM that answer to me please and thank you) I've so obviously plagiarized and provide me a favorite quote of your own from said TV show.  I will then choose a winner who will receive the Sheard pieces and 2 runners up to receive a random item of my choosing based solely on those quotes that amused me the most.


Give away closed - thanks to the few of you that played along

Winner gets the Sheard cards 1st runner up to receive 50K in coins 2nd runner up to receive 25K in coins

Thanks guys

 - Paulie V


Not in, but nice giveaway, my friend!


HAHAH love this show 

"Nice onesie, does it come in Men's.....I think you come in men enough for all of us."


Quote from Har1equin >> "Does a duck with a boner drag weeds?"

Do you want the show posted, or PMed?

 PM me the show name because I wasn't thinking obviously


"Does a duck with a boner drag weeds?"

Do you want the show posted, or PMed?


Not in, but great giveaway you the man pauliev31