
Livin the dream solos

Is anyone pulling anything decent off these solos? I’ve done 8 and the best I’ve got is a 79... just wondering if I should continue to do them or not


Best was an 84 but I’m a sucker for free cards so I keep doing them.


Finished them all last night. Best I got was an 84 Davante Adams. Maybe 2-3 80-81 OVRs, the rest were 70s. Not worth the time, but there's nothing else going on in the game now anyways and H2H sucks @ss.


Finished the series today and maybe got 6 or 7 elites. Not GOOD elites, but still.


I've played 3 - 80, 76, 78


I pulled the 85 TB2 Punter the first time I did the Bears solo. Everything after that has been low to mid 70s though.

Edited by blackrosemd1


You do get stars on the 1st run for each


I've gotten these results:

70, 82, 78, 73, 75, 84, 76, 73, 70....

So ass...full on ass. I mean...maybe if you are desperate for coins and dont mind auctioning 20 cards that may net you 18,000 for a few hours work.

But you're better off playing seasons tbh


Only did the 49ers one so far..pulled a 70 gold lol


I put on something on Hulu or Netflix and just get going, pulled a Britton Colquitt TB2 as my best guy


Pulled an 84 the first time


No, I actually got the same shitty Bear from consecutive games


do you get stars for these solos?


The first time, yes. Up to 4 stars each. Although....unless you're completely anti-solos for the past 7 more than likely don't need to earn more stars for anything.


sorry man, i was referring to the ‘living the dream’ solos that aware 70+ OVR players.


Everyone always complaining about something. You guys do realize these are the only solos in the game that give you rewards every time you play them right?


Done a little over half of them and only thing of "note" was two low lever elites and not a power up that was not terrible. If you hate solos you should probably pass on these. I have a lot of time on my hands and don't mind them. They are very easy just a time sink.

Got an 86 Urlacher on my first. Done after reading this though.


Been through three so far, all low golds. Might do them if I have time, but not worth it to grind like I thought it would be when they announced it.


zero elites in 30+ attempts, mainly Raiders


Guy in Redditt posted his pulls got 15% elites with all 32 challenges ..

Redo still pays 1,000 coins and player for 8 mins of play time


Best I've gotten is an 81...woopdie-doo


Pulled a 88ovr Mack from the bears last night!