Posted by 55studwell 55studwell5 years ago

Solo battles dragged me through the mud

And now delayed my team upgrades? My head still aches from having to play 13 full games


Really 13 fun games for 200k and your complaining lol


Fun is very subjective.


🤔 maybe they weren’t so bad-the 1st 12 were cake but on my last game the cpu was fighting for its caught 2 tipped volley ball passes to convert on 4th and longs-my dudes were dropping passes on conservative catch animations and had a hit stick fumble late when I turned on conservative carry-it felt like it was trying to claw my eyes out to get a score


I had 295.5k after 12 games and instead of taking the easy W for the 300k I played the last one on the highest level hoping I could sneak into the top 100 (which would have required the EA servers being down all weekend......which is always a possibility). The computer went bonkers on me. Caused 3 fumbles. Dotted me up. I ended up losing 29-24 when my last second pass was picked in the end zone. 1st Solo Battle I've ever lost since last year week 1. I was furious....until I realized I got 5k for the game and still qualified. After that I appreciated the sweaty, even if the computer cheated to cause it.


Sounds like a typical Madden game to me.


No kidding. Disappointed isn't even the word I'd use for this mess, but it's a start. They better double up and give everyone who reached the 30,000 threshold two 94s.