Posted by C7Susb9 C7Susb96 years ago

Farewell from me to M19

Ive been on here and playing MUT once M17, so over two and a half years. I’ve typically played well through the summer and eagerly awaited each new release. M17 has the swerve and unblockable Nickel Blitz 2, had massive hopes for M18. Release was so bad they had to invent 91 zone and defenders reacting to the ball before the QB released the pass whether they were looking st the QB or not. None the less, I got better at the game, won a handful of super bowls, and was very excited for M19. I got into doing solo battles, finished top 10 in PS4 a bunch of times, built a crazy goon Broncos god squad, and they kept patching a game that was clearly never tested with these 99 speed players. Every week the game gets worse, the glitches get worse, the patches break more things than they fix, and Clint just talked about how proud of his team he is. Proud of this game?  proud of the fall forward that clearly wasn’t tested at all before release, even though it took over three weeks to “fix” it instead of just rolling the patch back. Proud that you can throw into triple and quadruple coverage and get completions even though the QB is sprinting backwards and throwing across his body?  Proud that you can routinely get sacks rushing 3 players against 6-7 blockers where no matter what the outside rushers will always be one on one? Proud that the best offense in the game is spamming the spin button or that the majority of the special ability chems don’t even work!!!??? Not to mention snowgate giving thousands of players free Vick’s or the countless other snafu’s that EA is known for. Recently I’ve been getting more and more of the “animation” where a qb throws a pass to a receiver who isn’t even looking and despite a clock on, the receiver not only catches the pass, but does so while shape-shifting through the defender, not breaking stride and running down the field.

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