
The last 16 weeks (or so) of MUT 19.What are your plans?

Wow, this year was weird. Great content ruined by bad gameplay. What is your strategy? Staying with 19? Cashing out your coins for MHC for MUT20? As for me. I've already decided I'm taking a year off after playing continuously since Madden 15. I've come to realize this mode is no longer for me especially NMS. I absolutely loath to spend money on virtual content. So I'm always behind no matter how long I grind compared to the money spenders.EA essentially said, go ahead, don't spend money, we don't even care if you farm, because if you don't spend $$, you're going to GRIND. For hours on end.     I'm tired of the continual rat race that doesn't end 'til the end of July, just to start with a 82 OVR in August. I honestly think MUT has ruined my life because of the massive time waste the last five years. As corny as it sounds, I'm looking forward to the end of 19, and not have to worry about "OMG" I have to do those solos before the expire".    My strategy from here on out is to SAVE SAVE SAVE coins from now to July, and see how Madden 21 is.I also want to send EA a message with my wallet, it's all I could do. I'm only one loyal customer who's had enough.Unfortunately, people except mediocrity for some reason.




Of course I am playing 20. 1st time in 16 years I will have a new playbook to work with.

I have no problem giving them the $60. No HOF edition. No GOAT edition. Just the standard game.

Play my 7000 solos over 2 teams all year and not get caught up in any online H2H, squad or any other BS EA puts out. Of course also, rag on them when they screw up royally on a regular basis.

Football is not as important to kids today as it was "back in my day" as Charles Davis says. Most of you did not grow up on the 90's and early 2000's madden where moments were 5 minute quarters. A franchise mode where half of the team was gone due to cap costs by Year 4. 

I don't know. I mentioned a few times I am in a group in our 27th year of playing almost every month, 1 weekend of a round robin tourney. 7 of the original 12 still in. We don't worry about cheese, kids, how we should kill ourselves because we won.. any of that crap.


Quote from frid4 >> I'll be playing MLB the show tonight

 me too, the gameplay and fact that EA doesn't even try or care to fix the things that they break with these "Patches" has pushed me over the edge.  M20 seems like a longshot at this point


I will probably stay will Madden, would love to see a decked out Broncos Squad with a couple more UL like Elway, Davis, Bailey, Dawkins, Ware, and Law.

So I will stack my coins are wait for more broncos to come out.


Been saving already for RPs; will build those and call it quits.  I'm already tapering down my play time this; the grind is real.  I may just do solos the first part of the year and maybe change to H2H later on (or focus on one or the other week to week).  I'm done with the time grind also.  I'm so over solos at this point.


Quote from slipstream05 >> Quote from Dwar13 >> It is a huge grind if you have a family and trying to balance it all so next year I will probably play less and live life a little more 


 Nailed it.


Quote from Dwar13 >> It is a huge grind if you have a family and trying to balance it all so next year I will probably play less and live life a little more 



MLB The Show 19 comes out tonight so I'm done with Madden other than finishing out the solos for the UL set.  I won't be buying 20.


I'll be playing MLB the show tonight


Still playing but not as religiously. Just stockpiling coin to do as many rookie premier and loyalty badges as I can. Gonna be out enjoying the weather and playing some RPGs like Red Dead and Horizon: Zero Dawn.


Probably gonna sit next year out and just keep with this one or stop playing all together.


Don't know but the trickling out of content is losing me. Another no new content day today.


OP echoed my sentiments as well.

I played MUT 15, took off MUT16 and then did MUT 17 and MUT 18.  I told myself at the end of MUT 18 that I would be taking a break and skipping MUT 19.  However, I was pulled back in for one more ride.

I'm definitely worn out.  I had a vacation a couple weeks ago where I was "forced" to take a week away from MUT and couldn't believe how liberating it was not worrying about doing solos.  I used to enjoy grinding solos but I've definitely gotten to the point where these things have become ultra tedious to me.  I mean, I think I've run two plays on offense for the last 2 months doing solos.....Either gun monster or PA crossers.....That's it.  I just chew clock and burn through everything as quickly as I can.  I can even find time to actually play and enjoy the game....The only time I have to play I'm always consumed with doing solos.....I just can't seem to ignore them even when it's 180 solos for some meaningless 90 overall player or something lol.


Sticking with M19 and waiting for the next upgrade from some of my Power Ups (Watt, Bruce Matthews, Fitz, etc), and playing connected franchise. Madden is just a way for me to relax and take my mind off of work, so I don't get riled up over how good/bad promos, cards or packs are. Not planning to buy Madden the next couple of years just because they have become so similar from year to year.


I’ll be playing mlb on Tuesday. The only time I see playing madden this year is on Saturday’s until about May when the game is really dead


gonna cut back and focus blue jays franchise when I get mlb in a month or so. First time in about  7 years I didn't preorder because I want to wait until the yearly issues are fixed before I dive in.


I’m gonna keep playing, keep building. Will probably continue to play until Xmas promo next year and then decide on 20 just like I do every year


Not play because the game is boring af now


It is a huge grind if you have a family and trying to balance it all so next year I will probably play less and live life a little more


My plan will be to continue to play MUT19 for another year or two......played MUT16 until 19.    It is a big time suck to stay competitive.  Don't get me wrong it's fun, but can be demanding on time.   But with kids, I can't grind year after year.  So I'll kick back and build a mega-super-god-squad team when the market tanks.  

I'm not one that things a new year MUT20 will revolutionize and be so much better.  There will be some ups and downs for sure.  I'll miss the WL and House Rules type stuff in a current year.  But i'll be happy winning seasons super bowls for a while.  till MUT21 or 22