I send James Devlin in with Okoye at FB. I also like to run out of Ace Close with the FBs as TEs and Gronk/Kittle as receivers. Really only do this in solos to kill the clock. If the opponent knows what to do it makes it hard to audible to the pass as your whole team is lumbering mess.
Lane johnson
Lane Johnson, Joe Staley, Terron Armstead, Jon Runyan, Erik Williams, etc. A lot of good options, but those first three are easily the best because of their combination of lead block, run block and athleticism.
Yeah Erik Williams is already my RT, cowboys theme..I was thinking either Armstead or Staley..prob not the 97 staley bc overkill but maybe powered up a little beyond his 93, thanks
Wow where did you find this innovative and unique play?
haha i'm not one of those jerks that stay in it the whole game..seriously I have the saints PB and I use most of the book, I pass a TON. But yeah, I'm not gonna NOT use it ever
Its fine. I love seeing I-form because my 4 - 3 spread beats it. Not enough people playing 4 - 3.
Looks like less impact block, so is it more important to have high lead block or impact?
Best tackle to use as te is 95 lane Johnson
Why not just get Kittles?
I have him..I use him as the third TE in run blocking, I'm greedy lol I want even more run blocking
No haters please! If it helps I do not abuse these plays. Is it better to have a mobile LT, was thinking Staley..or a 95 Walter Jones.