
Aaron Rodgers...

Am I the only one that still thinks this card is a top 3 QB in MUT? I've tried SO many combos with Vick to McNabb to Young and I keep circling back to Rodgers. Enough speed to scramble for a first if I need it, never gets spied, and just seems to have the quickest release.


Hate playing against that Aaron Rodgers card.


He's been my starter since shortly after his MH card came out and I see need to change.


Quote from acomplixsituation>> Quote from Von>> well, I think Otto G is a top 1 qb in MUT so... :) 

Good for you, Cleveland. But the majority of people responding to questions here about another QB don't really care about your input.

...Aaron Rodgers or any other QB could be a to 3 with the right team chems. I think you missed my point dude. Im just glad people use other QBs than Vick and Lamar

Quote from Von >> well, I think Otto G is a top 1 qb in MUT so... :) 

Good for you, Cleveland. But the majority of people responding to questions here about another QB don't really care about your input. Quote from jfoley22 >> Quote from brpippen


I roll with Aaron Rodgers every season of MUT. He’s 97 on my team. I hoping he gets a Easter card upgrade.


99 with 50/50 packers go deep and 20/40 gb passing also tier 3 sprinter


Yep, he’s a beast. Need that gold 99 upgrade tho! Can’t wait!


I have him at 99 and he plays great for me.  T6 go deep, 46/50 packers T6 packers passing  offense T3 sprinter


Ive used him the whole year and haven’t had any complaints. I can honestly say there hasn’t been a game I lost and thought it was because of that cards play. Every throw is on the money. Even if he doesn’t get anymore upgrades I’ll be sticking with him.


well, I think Otto G is a top 1 qb in MUT so... :)


Quote from DigitalChampion >> Also are ya'll using Gunslinger on him or just conductor? Can't remember if he gets two of them.

 He doesn’t get two yet unfortunately, I’m using gunslinger, full madden passing, full go deep, full sprinter, 50/50 gb chem, and I can’t remebwr what tier of GB passing. Guy can scramble with 86 spd for sure if absolutely needed. Here’s mine:


Also are ya'll using Gunslinger on him or just conductor? Can't remember if he gets two of them.


Probably GB jerseys I bet. What are ya'll rocking for chems or throw power?


Quote from brpippen >> Rodgers has been awesome for me too. I’ve got him chemed up to a 99 haha but Even before that he was awesome 

 He plays awesome for me, how’d you get him to 99? I’ve been stuck at 98 with him since he came out


I've liked Russell Wilson, Theme team mainly, But Rodgers does seem to be really good


Rodgers has been awesome for me too. I’ve got him chemed up to a 99 haha but Even before that he was awesome


Am I the only one that still thinks this card is a top 3 QB in MUT? I've tried SO many combos with Vick to McNabb to Young and I keep circling back to Rodgers. Enough speed to scramble for a first if I need it, never gets spied, and just seems to have the quickest release.