
Worth Powering Up Theme Coach? (No Madden Coach)

Hey Mutheads,

I just started working on my Eagles theme and I’m up to 90 OVR, but won’t be able to afford even the first Coach Madden for a while, so I use Doug Pedersen. I haven’t spent the TP to power him up fully and I have coins coming in again because of the level cap increase, so I’m trying to decide whether to spend the TP on Pedersen instead of improving the players.

I plan to get Coach Madden when I can, but what to do in the meantime? Opinions appreciated!

Update: Very grateful to the Mutheads below who helped me see what I needed to do. I have a 94 OVR team with 45 Eagles and boosted 20 on both defenses to make up for lack of all 90+ defensive starters. The difference is huge.

Lesson learned: If you’re doing your theme team, definitely get all 4 team items from Exchange and power them up as much as you can because it is worth the TP.

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