Quote from JonE407 >> Quote from jcsteel66 >> POWER UP JUJU OR RIOT!
Double this
He will probably get his card Friday, along with other 2nd round picks. I’m just curious if they drop power ups that day or make us wait
Quote from Nvmaddog >> Quote from jcsteel66 >> POWER UP JUJU OR RIOT!
What is it going to take? The guy was a top 7 receiver and arguably top 5. A huge snub for him to have such a weak card and no PU.
I expect he’ll get a 2nd round 98 OVR NFL Draft Hero Card and then, finally, get a PU.
Quote from jcsteel66 >> POWER UP JUJU OR RIOT!
What is it going to take? The guy was a top 7 receiver and arguably top 5. A huge snub for him to have such a weak card and no PU.
Can't stand the steelers, but there is no more deserving player to have a PU in mut than Ju Ju
As soon as my hope for polamalu was crushed all I've wanted was a PU for juju I really dont understand why it's taking so long they have to know I've seen at least 1 bajillion comments about jujus PU I've along mentioned 92 times so they've had to of heard this we would really appreciate a JuJu PU. Thank you EA I'd like him today when I get home from work that'd be great
Keep faith guys have a feeling he'll have that updated card very #soon. :grin:
Quote from WaltzerWhite >> Give us a power up already!
That’s what I’m screaming!
Some of the PUs we have now are players I’ve never even heard of... yet JuJu can’t get one?
Quote from matthewbacon14 >> I honestly haven’t had an issue with him not making sideline catches. I do want him to get a PU ASAP.
It says he does, but he doesn’t for me. I’m probably pressing the wrong button though
just recently picked up his toty and he has been great so far especially in the slot, need that power up!
I honestly haven’t had an issue with him not making sideline catches. I do want him to get a PU ASAP.
That’s all I wanted to say. Only downfall to his card