
Draft promo Brady is really good

chem wise nothing on him because I was gonna sell him but his play action,release and accuracy currently make him the mut 🐐.he’s fairly cheap too.just pull Wagner and buy R Jones and Buy Falcons D get back all 3 nats.quicksell 2 of em and you’re right back at 46000 picks🤔


chem wise nothing on him because I was gonna sell him but his play action,release and accuracy currently make him the mut 🐐.he’s fairly cheap too.just pull Wagner and buy R Jones and Buy Falcons D get back all 3 nats.quicksell 2 of em and you’re right back at 46000 picks🤔


This is why I can't wait for Marino's UL card. I have him at 98 right now and he's a solid pocket passer. His 99 gold card will be God like.


It was fun to try out this weekend.


Quote from Ryan2985 >> He won’t make better throws than all the other high end qbs because of thresholds it’s not like he’s putting balls in better spots than Vick. No point using a qb with 60 speed this late in the game plus I heard his release isn’t as fast as it was last year on his card 

 He actually does make better throws. Just got him to give him a shot. High point passes where on point, if it wasn't for Calvin dropping 2 passes one for a TD and a wide open post route over the middle Brady would have been perfect. 

I hope they drop an AROD with some more mobility.


Quote from assasineric6 >> His traits are perfect and passes are right on every time. Knowing he is slow always have 1 or 2 quick hot reads and chew the defense up if they blitz. If they don't blitz still chew them up, the balls are that damn good, he has perfect traits as well.

 Do you play H2H or solos?


Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Quote from 55studwell >> Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Dont they quicksell for like 11k picks?


His traits are perfect and passes are right on every time. Knowing he is slow always have 1 or 2 quick hot reads and chew the defense up if they blitz. If they don't blitz still chew them up, the balls are that damn good, he has perfect traits as well.


Powered up Brady with go deep chem has 99 in every throwing stat. He is amazing for me but I'm not a run backwards 20 yards cross route guy.


I just wish he wasnt so slow


I just wish he wasnt so slow


Quote from 55studwell >> Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Dont they quicksell for like 11k picks?

Nope the NAT’s quicksell for 23k picks when you get em back from doing the set  each

 But 11k from the solo or did they change it?


Cards like Brady, Arod should be much better in passing hands down.


Quote from TheCheapBoyz >> Dont they quicksell for like 11k picks?

Nope the NAT’s quicksell for 23k picks when you get em back from doing the set  each


interesting. There are lots of throws I just can't seem to make with Vick. I don' scramble with him so he is useless to me. Might have to give this Brady a shot.


These are facts.. I’ve used top end QBs since the game dropped and there is something different about this Brady card. Throws are so damn clean and he doesn’t miss. I was just thinking that EA threw us a non noble card that is great since they know they over saturated the game with Vick’s by making him so easy to attain. 

Im set here for the remainder of 19!!


Dont they quicksell for like 11k picks?


He is great. No other qb can make the throws he does. His high point over defenders to a slant is unreal.


Quote from 55studwell >> chem wise nothing on him because I was gonna sell him but his play action,release and accuracy currently make him the mut 🐐.he’s fairly cheap too.just pull Wagner and buy R Jones and Buy Falcons D get back all 3 nats.quicksell 2 of em and you’re right back at 46000 picks🤔

 you cant use the nat draft players in the set though because you get nats back so ea made it so you cant repeat unless you actually buy all the cards but otherwise brady does look like a beast with those stats


That’s why I refuse to use Vick.he doesn’t do anything for chemistry and he’s not great in the pocket.but his play action gets no separation and increases the pass rush