This muthead community seems pretty good... been a long time since i gamed and im new to madden all together. Wish ea had some people better with logic on board... but its still fun.
as far as the eggs- i like to look around for em. But i check forums/YT if gets on my nerves... i just thought the store one yesterday was an independant one day deal and i missed a hidden one in objective list. glad to know i was wrong and thats jus where they moved it to today. tho for the codebreakers a month or two ago... the 8 digit ones you could lose if you did wrong- i googled first... But these i like to hunt for till i get angry. The code part on these is easy to figure on ur own... i like that part.
Just keep checking the forums everyday. Slammer has a thread about it already started and a few others are sure to post results as well so as long as you check you will be in good hands. Everyone here does a great job usually of keeping everyone informed and helping
Just keep checking the forums everyday. Slammer has a thread about it already started and a few others are sure to post results as well so as long as you check you will be in good hands. Everyone here does a great job usually of keeping everyone informed and helping
Just got one for scoring from a yard out can’t remember if it was passing or rushing tho
ohhh i see. so yesterday the hidden egg was the 500 in store, and there wasnt one in objectives that i jus missed? today it was in objectives but tomorrow it may not be? well poop.
yeah i did not see it in the objectives yesterday. they snuck it on the last tab. Found it today tho. ty.
Quote from KidVigorous >> i think ur missing what OP is asking... there is allegedly a daily hidden egg, other than ones in the store- that you get for completing some hidden objective... a particular solo, or buy a certain kind of pack... in menu pop ups keep comin up for it... i dont think its refering to the backyard scramble or the tier 1 in store...
No sir that's the hidden egg my man for yesterday.The one today will be somewhere else though.
i think ur missing what OP is asking... there is allegedly a daily hidden egg, other than ones in the store- that you get for completing some hidden objective... a particular solo, or buy a certain kind of pack... in menu pop ups keep comin up for it... i dont think its refering to the backyard scramble or the tier 1 in store...
Quote from bjtdavies >> If you go to the store under special offers there is a Backyard scramble pack for 500 coins that can get you a tier 1 egg
Quote from Slammer4244 >> Quote from Slammer4244
Quote from mottiyos >> Quote from bjtdavies >> If you go to the store under special offers there is a Backyard scramble pack for 500 coins that can get you a tier 1 egg
I don’t think that’s what the Easter egg hunt is buddy. But maybe I am wrong
He is correct....
Quote from Slammer4244 >>
All info is in here my man
Quote from bjtdavies >> If you go to the store under special offers there is a Backyard scramble pack for 500 coins that can get you a tier 1 egg
I don’t think that’s what the Easter egg hunt is buddy. But maybe I am wrong
If you go to the store under special offers there is a Backyard scramble pack for 500 coins that can get you a tier 1 egg
kraelo said there is a hidden Easter egg hunt that can be found in store/sets/solos. Has anyone found it?