I have a Rams theme team (Rams fan) so yes I feed ED a lot, but I also use Gurley just as often. And I have no problem dropping back and dotting people up with Warner. I run a balanced offense 50/50 pass/run
Let me know if you want some help with run defense. It's annoying for sure, but it's not unbeatable.
Same can be said about using ebooks.....theres a difference is using 1 or 2 plays as somebody else but when your ENTIRE gameplan was bought and copied then sorry you are a sheep and not good....god forbid anybody is original and runs what they want to run
I know this isn't a popular opinion, but that's Madden. Madden (just like the NFL) is a copycat game. When a pro player runs something unique in round 1 of a tournament that is dominating, by round 3, half the field is running it. Winning Madden games isn't about who finds the best strategies, it's about who executes those strategies the best and it's rarely the same person.
It's a completely valid opinion to say it shouldn't be this way, but I'd have no idea what EA could possibly do to change this aspect of the game.
I do not have Dickerson, but that is my style of play. I prefer running the ball. I think running the ball is a lot more fun than passing. When Tebow was with the Broncos and they ran the ball 100 times a game, granted it was because of the lack of trust in his arm, I loved it. That is the type of football I love to see, so that is the football I try and emulate. Not everyone is out there trying to cheese the game.
I think running is fine, and yea sure some NFL teams lean on the run but they aren't out there running stretch every play which is what 80% of the people with this card do. I'm not saying you do but that is that way it goes with running in the game currently for most people.
I'm not good because I use the best back in the game. Got it MCS belt winner.
agree with you, but obviously ea doesn't think he's that good to nerf him. I have realized tho people with E.D. cannot pass the ball at all. I just like to play squads on defense and once my team can stop E.D. the opponent is forced to throw the ball and we can easily pick them off. DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS. even with my dline and Lbs over 90 blockshed and high strength it's still hard to get to E.D. but once you tackle him for the loss and lose his Xfactor, it is much, much easier. Good Luck Bro.
Just cause it’s winter time doesn’t mean you have to be a snowflake. If you don’t like it, key on the run. He’s actually fumble probed when he get tired. Hit Stick and Strip Tackles. They run all over you cause they can get away with it, which makes it fun for them.
this may come to a shock to you but MOST people play the game to win and winning is what makes it fun for them... dont hate the player hate the game that allows it
He's the man, but he can be stopped. Sometimes just by slowing him down until he's tired and then making him fumble, which was my last win.
Well my friend. Some people play to win. And winning is fun. So that’s why they do it.
I hear you man it’s boring as hell tho—- I don’t like it either, but I understand it.
That being said I have Dickinson And all weekend league games he gets about half of the place. If I just wanted to win I would give him the ball more but I get bored
He turns into an average back as soon as you tackle him behind the line and he loses his X factor. I beat these players pretty easily after that
I am currently on a streak of 6 games.... SIX GAMES! Where kids ran the ball every. Single. Play. With Eric Dickerson.... I just have to know, is that still fun? Yes, I had him for about a week and won every game but sold him because he is unfair and it’s boring af playing like that.... are kids really that desperate for wins? This is a video game and you play to have fun.... I’m just trying to understand someone please explain this to me!!!