The prices will go back up a bit . All the cheap stuff will get weeded out . The eggs are gone .
Quote from baynit1 >> I don't get why the same thing year after year happens and year after year people come on here and act as if the sky is falling... What did you expect from such a promo? wtf!!
Nobody should be surprised and nobody should really care if the prices r low.
I don't get why the same thing year after year happens and year after year people come on here and act as if the sky is falling... What did you expect from such a promo? wtf!!
Who cares. Let everything go for cheap and people be able to use any cards they want
but thats what usually happens with these kinds of things....and also how is that a bad thing? at this point in the game it SHOULD be easier to get higher OVR cards, if you were hoarding 97's thinking they were going to double in value or something like that, thats on you. it never happens.
this is the time of year when everything starts DROPPING and nothing really "recovers". obviously when the supply of eggs is done the prices will rise a little but now a ton of people will have higher overall teams so you're not gonna have to spend 400k on a 98OVR team mvp anymore which is a good thing
everytime ea crash the market there's new content/promo coming to get us spend $$$ and get this new cards. next week will be RP and after will be GT
Had 12 tier 1 2 pulls were a 97 Deshaun Watson and 96 Trent Brown...not bad. Also got a 91 Marcus Allen, 89 Michael Gallup, 88 Jakeem Grant, 87 Keyshawn, 86 Franco and a bunch of other 85 and 84 draft cards.
I ended up with 3 Von Miller cards. Sold them all for 245k each. Broke all the other cards down into training. Good day for a normal sunday. IMO
98 Gurley went from 300k to 88k this morning. Hopefully they bounce back as I got 3 in m eggs today.
Talk about cheap training.
i would say training for me but my whole team is powered up so do not need any training. Guess i will work on the theme team
For those with low coin average team and free eggs from dailies. They made out well
Quote from Wepresidentnow >> It won’t last. By later this week they’ll restore to like 85%.
Maybe if the Solo Battle rewards would cause it, but i guess, the prices should go down further with next week's free Career UL for playing 16 times in a row.
Calling it now, zero chance of a blitz weekend next weekend with these rewards.... i’m shocked, i think everyone was expecting something different
everything is like insanely cheap now because of all the tier 4 pulls you have 97s going for under 100k now is the time to buy training if you need it!!! not to sure if the market will recover after with everyone getting tons of tier 4 eggs this weekend then free uls next weekend its looking like its downhill from here,