
This game sucks more than a vacuum

Been playing since 25. They get more and more money hungry every year. From 25 to 15 to 16 the gameplay jumped tremendously, since then there have been minor improvements which just end up leading to bigger problems. Don’t see the fun in playing this game every year to get the same speedy Vick and run the same cards everyone else has. I’d rather spend my time and money elsewhere and you should all consider doing the same.




Only thing that sucks worse is this site.


Quote from Y4wgm0th >> This game sucks more than my ex-wife.

I don't have an ex-wife. I've never been married.

 Keep it that way. Once the ring is on the finger, they all stop. I’ll be married 10 years in July. :SAD:


This game sucks more than my ex-wife.

I don't have an ex-wife. I've never been married.


EA is a billion dollar corporation, of course they're money hungry. As they should be.

So many of you have completely unrealistic expectations for this game that will never be met; but yet you come back year after year, and find new things to complain about. It's a video game. It will never be perfect. It isn't that bad. Move on if you're not enjoying it.


Every year they say “ this is the worst “. I for my first time quit because of the inconsistency but it isn’t going to change 

there really is no skill involved sometimes it’s basically whoever gets screwed over the least wins . 

Check out this channel  awful madden plays


I just started in M17, and while there were certainly complaints that year, it sure seems to me like this is the worst that it’s been. No idea if it’ll get better, but ultimately until they decide better gameplay is more important than micro transactions we’re gonna keep getting the same trash packaged in tie die shirts


Been playing since 25. They get more and more money hungry every year. From 25 to 15 to 16 the gameplay jumped tremendously, since then there have been minor improvements which just end up leading to bigger problems. Don’t see the fun in playing this game every year to get the same speedy Vick and run the same cards everyone else has. I’d rather spend my time and money elsewhere and you should all consider doing the same.