Not attacking anyone personally or calling people out. I understand if you're a newb or getting back into the game and havent played mut much. I'll cut those people some slack. But if complained ins 2016, complained in 2017, complained in 2018 and again in 2019, I must ask why havent you learned your lesson.
Madden is not a monlith. There a million ways to enjoy the game without playing MUT. Before getting into MUT I would only play franchise with my friends and enjoyed the crap out of it. Sometimes I played offline franchise and went through multiple seasons. I get it, MUT is broken in many ways. There is always something to complain about. But to make it your lifes work to make a new thread on it monthly, weekly or daily is insanity. Dont be a sadist, PS4 puts out 100s of games and I'm sure you will find your perfect match. SOme of my best friends in madden dont play online because of how toxic and unpredictable it can be. They take joy out of building squads through MUT and chanell their inner card collecting child and enjoy it that way.
Not attacking anyone personally or calling people out. I understand if you're a newb or getting back into the game and havent played mut much. I'll cut those people some slack. But if complained ins 2016, complained in 2017, complained in 2018 and again in 2019, I must ask why havent you learned your lesson.
Madden is not a monlith. There a million ways to enjoy the game without playing MUT. Before getting into MUT I would only play franchise with my friends and enjoyed the crap out of it. Sometimes I played offline franchise and went through multiple seasons. I get it, MUT is broken in many ways. There is always something to complain about. But to make it your lifes work to make a new thread on it monthly, weekly or daily is insanity. Dont be a sadist, PS4 puts out 100s of games and I'm sure you will find your perfect match. SOme of my best friends in madden dont play online because of how toxic and unpredictable it can be. They take joy out of building squads through MUT and chanell their inner card collecting child and enjoy it that way.