I got my ass whooped 12 - 28 but dude played with ZERO cheese, hats off to him. He runs the meta formations (3-3-5 and gun bunch) but his route combos are totally unique. Never seen the type of routes he was pulling off, even tho I was using random coach suggestions on defense just to try to throw him off.
After seeing all these "top" and pro players all run the same exact plays, it was refreshing to see to see this dude play with his own style and absolutely demolish everyone.
betru2thegame on PS4 leaderboards
His win-loss is like 1800 - 175.. crazy
I got my ass whooped 12 - 28 but dude played with ZERO cheese, hats off to him. He runs the meta formations (3-3-5 and gun bunch) but his route combos are totally unique. Never seen the type of routes he was pulling off, even tho I was using random coach suggestions on defense just to try to throw him off.
After seeing all these "top" and pro players all run the same exact plays, it was refreshing to see to see this dude play with his own style and absolutely demolish everyone.