They’d be screaming in the mic for like 10 minutes straight with all these enforcers running around.
The hit stick hasn't been a thing since M25 when Phil Simms would say something completely stupid that made no sense
You could have just said “when Phil Simms talked” and accomplished the same meaning, lol. Madden said a lot of nonsense too though
I almost miss having him in the game, he was like a comic relief of sorts lol.
If it was done well so it sounded professional, sure. I don’t want it to sound like WWE meets NFL though. In real life hitsticks are usually pretty low key. I’d like to see them focus on great catches or breakaway runs. I remember the announcers flipped when DeAndre Hopkins submitted his catch of the year against the Steelers.
You mad bro? Hitsticjs are the 2nd best part of a user
I'm 41 been playing Madden since 96 k know all about gaming football excitement
It'd be every play damn near. I just want them to put booger on the sideline in his stupid chair making stupid comments.
NHL has coding for hits. But as mentioned for the last 6 months, the people over there give a damn compared to beeping buses and former NFL hacks that stand behind the game and inflate the number of copies sold.
That would be cool. Have a few phrases "I'm not sure he's gonna get up" or "Well he is done".
and be like DAAAAAAAAAAAAM he got wrecked