
Sub linebacker help

I have Troy P as my sub lb, but when he's in at sub lb, which other lbs are on the field. I get it depends on formation, but who's he replacing? Is it my mlb1?


Yeah ideally. In the “Specialists” tab on your lineup screen, there is a SUB-LB position and has two slots. The two players you put there are the two players that will come out in nickel formations and dollar and such. You can choose to run 2 safeties, a safety and a LB, two MLBs, ROLB and LOLB, pretty much any combination of LBs and safeties.


Thanks so much. Not noticed who's in my sub lb slot, think it could be Fred Warner


He’s a good option along with Tillman. Just don’t have Tillman play deep without abilities cause he’s a midget lol.

Edited by thighslikethor


Good and yeah I've noticed haha