
MUT flooded with 99 OVR's by now..

I wonder if this was the same in the previous versions of the Madden titles?

It seems that, the closer we get to a new release, the more EA decides to release about 1 gazillion "99 OVR"-players into the game. In my opinion, this is bad seen in the light of more than just one thing:

First off, how realistic is it that everyone in a team are top of the line players, and that that team would actually perform? (Yes, I'm aware that this is the concept of MUT in the first place, but it ends up canibalizing itself in the end this way). Think of a band where everyone wants to play a solo all the time.. where's the backing? We don't have teams with 11 QB's or 11 TE's or 11 WR's.. there needs to be some support functions as well, and if they are all "ALL-STAR-99-OVR-MF's" which can't be fooled by the opponent in any possible way, would that really work? This ultimately leads to a single-player only game, as every time one tries to find an online opponent, he'll be faced with a "99 OVR-I have more coins than you" which can't be beat. On the other hand, it can't be too fun to win with an all out 99 OVR team all the time either.. so why keep playing when your team has reached this "ultimate goal" ??

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