I have no idea how to move his OVR up any higher. I have 40/50 Redskin's chem. 30/30 PF Chem. Tier 3 Sprinter. Redskin's Balanced O Tier 3.
I highly doubt Tier 9 with +1 AGI and + JMP would boost him. I've tried Tier 6 Balanced O and the other offensive chems didn't seem to add anything that would help the way PF would. I was able to get 95 OVR Montez Sweat to a 97 OVR with just Tier 3 Sprinter and 30/30 Balanced D. Any Redskin's fans able to boost him further?
Quote from ModularMayhem >> Quote from bigrobj4 >> Mine is a 99 on my Skins Team. 50/50 Skins, Maxed sprinter, maxed WC, tier 7 Skins Passing, Madden Tier 2 passing, and Madden Tier 2 Physical.
I know now you don’t need all of that as when I switched to Skins Passing chems, he was a 99 before I got to tier 7.
Hope that helps.
Quote from bigrobj4 >> Mine is a 99 on my Skins Team. 50/50 Skins, Maxed sprinter, maxed WC, tier 7 Skins Passing, Madden Tier 2 passing, and Madden Tier 2 Physical.
I know now you don’t need all of that as when I switched to Skins Passing chems, he was a 99 before I got to tier 7.
Hope that helps.
Thanks! I really think Coach Madden is the next step, I can't stand his fat player model, but oh well.
Mine is a 99 on my Skins Team. 50/50 Skins, Maxed sprinter, maxed WC, tier 7 Skins Passing, Madden Tier 2 passing, and Madden Tier 2 Physical.
I know now you don’t need all of that as when I switched to Skins Passing chems, he was a 99 before I got to tier 7.
Hope that helps.
Thanks guys, I had to spend a ton of training, but I went 28/40 Redskin's Balanced O and 30/30 GD and Haskins boosted to a 98 as well as boosting my Vernon Davis to a 99 even though he's my #2, but great to have a 99 Jordan Reed, and a 99 Vernon Davis without having add him to a PU. I could go higher but I need Tier 3 Rush D for my Redskin's Rush D. Maybe Coach Madden is the next move and i'm positive a 99 is no problem, but I literally have no issues playing every game just about against 99 maxed out Vicks, so i'm fine with my pocket passer who has 82 speed for a little mobility.
Team chems, go deep and team passing makes Eli Manning’s 94 a 98
im sure Haskins will be fine lol
Quote from fdaly >> Try Redskins Passing O, should get him up more. And Madden Passing if you don't have it already. I've managed to get my Giants QBs +2 ovr for most of the year with tier 3 sprinter, 50/50 Giants, 30/30 Go Deep and Madden Passing tier 2, so that should work for Haskins with Redskins chem as well
Yeah, try maxing your team's passing o chem if possible. I was able to get Dak's 93 base all the way to a 97 when I used him. 50/50 helps too.
Try Redskins Passing O, should get him up more. And Madden Passing if you don't have it already. I've managed to get my Giants QBs +2 ovr for most of the year with tier 3 sprinter, 50/50 Giants, 30/30 Go Deep and Madden Passing tier 2, so that should work for Haskins with Redskins chem as well
I have no idea how to move his OVR up any higher. I have 40/50 Redskin's chem. 30/30 PF Chem. Tier 3 Sprinter. Redskin's Balanced O Tier 3.
I highly doubt Tier 9 with +1 AGI and + JMP would boost him. I've tried Tier 6 Balanced O and the other offensive chems didn't seem to add anything that would help the way PF would. I was able to get 95 OVR Montez Sweat to a 97 OVR with just Tier 3 Sprinter and 30/30 Balanced D. Any Redskin's fans able to boost him further?