Yea kinda crazy my metcalf with 96 beat press cant get bye a 87 OVR cb
You clearly say stats do not matter every 5 mins. Now you are saying 2 outta 3 of the most important stats are too low. You are too much
They don’t matter when your in certain “ area boxes “ that trigger animations and when you have stats that don’t meet that trigger animations you say that moss or Calvin Johnson get yes they to get screwed over a lot to due to this but nothing like those stats the SPC and CIT help but Your missing the point of what I’m saying to He’s not going to get anything unless the dude is all alone basically or on a 2-5 yrd drag -
This game lies so we all no his 99 speed means very little he still won’t burn anyone but it’s his SPC that’s Lo at 90 and factor in CIT 88 that is one of thee 2 most important stat to look for on WR then his catch which is a 90 ...ouch 500k on that ? Guys don’t do it