
Who's your favorite Youtuber?

And why? I never really paid attention to this stuff until the last month or so. I like MMG s content, pretty funny and realistic with the frustration I feel in this glitchy ass game. So list em off!


And why? I never really paid attention to this stuff until the last month or so. I like MMG s content, pretty funny and realistic with the frustration I feel in this glitchy ass game. So list em off!




Quote from LiamHURLEY >> Quote from chodge8787 >> None of them. Youtubers are a huge reason why so many games aren't as good. A lot of them just try to show people how to do glitches. For the ones that don't do that, it's pointless watching their videos when I could be playing the game myself. I will never understand people wanting to watch other people online playing video games.


Quote from RickRude >> Plus they fuck up the game by sitting in there rooms playing 24/7 and find the glitches. Then when I play on line I got play all these jerk offs. Guttfoxx go get laid!

 He has a wife....


I started watching gutfoxx because of the player reviews but he stopped doing those and he’s still on point for me. I used to watch zirksee but his reactions are lame as hell. He doesn’t seem like an authentic person and Ive heard he stretches out videos past 10 minutes for YouTube money. Gmia was interesting at first for me but then he always complains like a little kid and says he’s done with the game. I started watching director seich whose editing is on point. MMG is probably the funniest guy out there though. I also don’t understand how someone can watch another player play the game as I would rather play it myself. Does anyone recommend any other player review you tubers bc that’s one of my faves to look at?


I did this thread earlier this year. Ima go with Zirksee and Gutfoxx. They’re consistent. There are a lot of folk I like, but their contentment isn’t as frequent like Deuce Close, Kaus, and Prometheus. I’m starting to get into franchise and I like ‘That Franchise Guy’.


Depends on what I'm looking for. I like watching GutFoxx stream on Twitch. I like Zirksee for general information on new content and his pack and play series is alright. Ive been watching MMG since he was big on Madden Mobile. TDBarrett is funny too, but he currently play MLB 19 more than Madden


Quote from ncinqueg >> none

Can't stand when my kid watches other people play video games

I honestly don't get it.

 My kid does too and they're annoying af lol. At least the ones he watches are...


Quote from jcsteel66 >> The Actual CC is my favorite.  Honest, good at the game, interesting thoughts, entertaining & an old guy like me.





Victionary the goat for madden entertainment wise. ActualCC for information.


I can tell you the one who is the worst.  Scomo.  Kid is beyond bland and has 0 clue what he is talking about.  He needs to bring in The Actual CC just to bring in viewers.  

One's I like are The Actual CC, Kaykayes and Toke as they are either fun or have valid points.


Quote from ncinqueg >> none

Can't stand when my kid watches other people play video games

I honestly don't get it.

 Same reason why you aren't playing football in the NFL. You don't have the time or the skill. Sometimes it's entertaining to watch others play, and the Youtuber's who are popular are the ones who have funny/relatable commentary to go along with the gameplay.



Can't stand when my kid watches other people play video games

I honestly don't get it.


Quote from chodge8787 >> None of them. Youtubers are a huge reason why so many games aren't as good. A lot of them just try to show people how to do glitches. For the ones that don't do that, it's pointless watching their videos when I could be playing the game myself. I will never understand people wanting to watch other people online playing video games. 

 I assume you weren't born this century


Quote from tribe585 >> Quote from RickRude >> Plus they fuck up the game by sitting in there rooms playing 24/7 and find the glitches. Then when I play on line I got play all these jerk offs. Guttfoxx go get laid!

 He's the best one that I have watched.

BTW- He just got married and is on vacation. Probably getting more than you.




My Fav that I watch are Timthetatman (who I also watch on twitch) and MMG


Quote from chodge8787 >> None of them. Youtubers are a huge reason why so many games aren't as good. A lot of them just try to show people how to do glitches. For the ones that don't do that, it's pointless watching their videos when I could be playing the game myself. I will never understand people wanting to watch other people online playing video games. 

 I'm with ya. That's one thing I'll never understand. I wanna play not watch some dude play.


Quote from A_sympathetic_bystander >> Quote from gbwisc >> Quote from Dislimb420 >> Gutfoxx is the realest of the real.