I know a lot of you got juiced up rewards but I normally have shitty luck, I was really expecting a bunch of 95 set pieces but this was awesome! I know the market pretty much crashed but its still dope
I somehow now feel better about my 3 choices:
97 Alstott 95 Legend Lott 97 Elway
Quote from barrofsoap >> I know a lot of you got juiced up rewards but I normally have shitty luck, I was really expecting a bunch of 95 set pieces but this was awesome! I know the market pretty much crashed but its still dope
I got all the NMS luck, shitty 94 set pieces, glad for you though bro.... the packs have to balance out somehow.
Quote from dj1jry >>
Nice pulls. Who did you end up with? tough call between Reed/Woodson but I went with Rod.
Why do you get to choose between three 99s while my best choice was 96 John Elway. Congrats though!
I would have died if I got that pack. Mine was...meh. Nothing out of the norm for me. I ended up selling Tony G.
I pulled 99 Lott. I had 95 Hb Conner , 96 Ed Reed Ghost and Lott. So yea I took Lott....
That’s real nice. I was offered two 98s and a 95, and chose 98 Megatron. Not bad at all.
Quote from barrofsoap >> Quote from soclose2found >> Pic not showing for me but congrats. I pulled 99 Ed reed
sorry fixed now, congrats man Reed is dope but I went with Rod
I picked up rod over the weekend. Enjoy he’s a monster for me
I know your happy and all but to a man with 5 mill what's a 300k card lol. Congrats I thought I was doing good when I pulled 99 ovr Elway as I was expecting set pieces as well lol.
I know a lot of you got juiced up rewards but I normally have shitty luck, I was really expecting a bunch of 95 set pieces but this was awesome! I know the market pretty much crashed but its still dope