
Best house rules ever!

I know a lot of you got juiced up rewards but I normally have shitty luck, I was really expecting a bunch of 95 set pieces but this was awesome! I know the market pretty much crashed but its still dope


I know a lot of you got juiced up rewards but I normally have shitty luck, I was really expecting a bunch of 95 set pieces but this was awesome! I know the market pretty much crashed but its still dope


I somehow now feel better about my 3 choices:

97 Alstott 95 Legend Lott 97 Elway


Well done!


Quote from barrofsoap >> I know a lot of you got juiced up rewards but I normally have shitty luck, I was really expecting a bunch of 95 set pieces but this was awesome! I know the market pretty much crashed but its still dope

 I got all the NMS luck, shitty 94 set pieces, glad for you though bro.... the packs have to balance out somehow.


That’s a good one. I got 3 98’s: Vick, Megatron, and Quinnen Williams.


Quote from dj1jry >>

Nice pulls. Who did you end up with?   tough call between Reed/Woodson but I went with Rod.


Lol mine was was a elway, 96 moss and a 97 romanowski


Wow that’s ridiculous


Nice pulls. Who did you end up with?


Why do you get to choose between three 99s while my best choice was 96 John Elway. Congrats though!


I would have died if I got that pack. Mine was...meh. Nothing out of the norm for me. I ended up selling Tony G.


99 Ed Reed for me, too.


wow nice man.


I pulled 99 Lott. I had 95 Hb Conner , 96 Ed Reed Ghost and Lott. So yea I took Lott....


Better than my Dillard, Rivers, and 96 TD options haha


That’s real nice. I was offered two 98s and a 95, and chose 98 Megatron. Not bad at all.


Nice bro


Quote from barrofsoap >> Quote from soclose2found >> Pic not showing for me but congrats.  I pulled 99 Ed reed

 sorry fixed now, congrats man Reed is dope but I went with Rod

 I picked up rod over the weekend.  Enjoy he’s a monster for me


I know your happy and all but to a man with 5 mill what's a 300k card lol.  Congrats I thought I was doing good when I pulled 99 ovr Elway as I was expecting set pieces as well lol.