New they get two ability chems and they can get maxed out in the stats that matter is there any reason now to power up cards that are already a 99 like Ramsey? I powered up my gold 99 Reed to get both Man and Zone to 99 but if he were to reach it prior to powering up I wouldn’t have.
Last yr you could trade in high power-ups for rookie premieres/set pieces so if your playing next yr then yeah I suppose.
Just personal choice IMO I have a few UL players that are 99 that I haven’t PU and probably won’t
There is always a point to min maxing. Depends on how many coins you have. If you have a nice coin stack go for it, what else are you going to do with them?
I personally think it's pointless. Most of the chems are in general. Aside from speed. Speed will always be king...
1) to unlock 2nd ability 2) to change the team. for example, you can't make 99 UL Ed Reed a Texan or a Jet, but you can do it with a PU card
Because the 99 doesn't get those things on its own, because the PU reaches a threshold, because you just want to.
New they get two ability chems and they can get maxed out in the stats that matter is there any reason now to power up cards that are already a 99 like Ramsey? I powered up my gold 99 Reed to get both Man and Zone to 99 but if he were to reach it prior to powering up I wouldn’t have.