With the new Master revealed, I go in for a deep dive on what makes JuJu unique and why everyone should find a spot on their roster for this man. Enjoy!
Quote from Colony >> With the new Master revealed, I go in for a deep dive on what makes JuJu unique and why everyone should find a spot on their roster for this man. Enjoy!
Quote from Colony >> With the new Master revealed, I go in for a deep dive on what makes JuJu unique and why everyone should find a spot on their roster for this man. Enjoy!
Crazy thing is I have steeler theme 98overall team and fully upgraded juju has dropped 3 open passes in one game and caught it twice only to get it smacked out of his hand by animation when he has 80 sumtin strength. Nothing consistent lol
I had planned on qs him for training but I have been trying out different guys since I'm so bored. He has played light out. Maybe it is just because he is new but he hangs on to everything. Might have to bench my 99 PU Calvin and keep juju in the lineup. His blocking on the runs has shown up in games also.
So, a 15 minute video that tells us he will have good run blocking....? Okay, alright. I like a good run blocking recevier too... but your stat estimations are a bit off. They dont just add a +5 to every single stat if they bump them 5 overall. I mean its an alright way of guessing I suppose, but dont form concrete opinions on something with those. I was also a little confused when you talked about putting zone run on him instead of sprinter? Is he one of the cards that can get dual base chems.... or????
No reason not to grind 10 easy solos for him though, even if you plan on quickselling.
I haven't powered mine up yet, but he plays similar to TO in my opinion.
Quote from jcsteel66 >> Other than the lack of Spin, JuJu is amazing:
Yeah my juju is better or just as good as everyone else's best WR so people downing a free 99 wr is crazy in my eyes
Nice gesture and if you do or don’t use him the TP is free so you can try powering up someone you haven’t this season.
Already have four 99 receivers with Bengals chem. I just got him and QS'd him so I can power up for my boy, Willie! T-minus one hour!
Quote from anthonymcosta >> Quote from jcsteel66 >> Other than the lack of Spin, JuJu is amazing:
Yes but a juiced PU card is different than just the base like most of us have. He’s a good card but not much different than what most already have. Enjoy.
Took all of a split second to decide to QS his behind. Only would stand out on a Steelers theme team.
Played a few games with him, and he lead blocks all the way down the field. I think, he has a home on my team.
Liking JuJuso far. No theme but do have Tier 2 Steelers along with Max GD and Sprinter and Madden
not sure where he will fit in lineup yet but very happy with my WR options
Fully Powered Keyshawn, Moss Gold T. O, Chemed to 99 P U Julio and Deandre
Now Juju
Doesn’t hurt to have him. The solos for 99 juju really were not bad at all. He’s good so far but no Keyshawn
Quote from jcsteel66 >> Other than the lack of Spin, JuJu is amazing:
Yes but a juiced PU card is different than just the base like most of us have. He’s a good card but not much different than what most already have. Enjoy.
Just fully powered this sexy man up. He’s a boss as a receiver and if you run a lot of pitches/toss plays he straight swallows his defender while you blow on by. I can’t say enough good things. Running Juju, Moss, Rice now. Good shit.
With the new Master revealed, I go in for a deep dive on what makes JuJu unique and why everyone should find a spot on their roster for this man. Enjoy!